The Facts on Today’s Orphan Crisis

Throughout the world tragedy separates parents from children leaving the broken lives of little ones who need caring people to intervene and change their paths. How bad is it? Here are some facts to keep you informed. Fact: Nearly 150 million children across the world are orphans. …

Fact: Every 2 seconds, another orphan dies from malnutrition.
Fact: 87.6 million orphans live in Asia. 43.4 million Orphans live in Sub-Saharan Africa. 12.4 million orphans live in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Fact: 6,000 children are orphaned by AIDS every day. That is a newly orphaned child every 14 seconds.
Fact: Around the globe, 15,200,000 children have been orphaned by the AIDS crisis. If all these children held hands, they would stretch across the United States. By 2011, this virtual chain will reach around the world. Fact: It is estimated that there will be 400 million orphans by 2015.