Did you know…

that today is Birthmothers Day?  18 months ago I had never heard of this special day but now that adoption is such a part of our lives I can feel it really tugging at my heart. 

I’ve spent a lot of time lately thinking about the mother who gave birth to Beaux.  I wonder how old she is/was?  What does she look like?  Does she share the same big coconut eyes that Beaux has?  I also think about the circumstances that led my little brown eyed boy to his current living situation… Maybe she already had 7 little mouths to feed and another one was just too much to provide for?  Maybe she was injured or killed in the earthquake? Maybe she died from disease? ….Maybe?

I used to be so scared at the thought of having a relationship with Beaux’s birth mom.  I thought about it being awkward and uncomfortable…(thinking it’s all about me).   But the further along we get in this adoption process the more I wish I could meet her. I would love to tell her THANK YOU for giving life to such an awesome little guy.  I would tell her how much joy he brings to our life even though we don’t even have him home with us yet.  I would sit down, with her hand in mine, and listen to her story of desperation and sorrow and cry right along side of her.  I would tell her she is the bravest woman I know.  And I would tell her how much God loves her.

I’ll probably never meet my boy’s birth mom this side of heaven, but I pray that God will send her a sign to let her know that her boy is safe and loved more than these two older parents knew they could love.